BIC is a firm believer that education is crucial for the development of free will and independence and for combatting poverty. It has in particular been an active advocate of writing by hand, even before its importance in structuring children’s thought processes was proven. BIC has set the goal of improving lives through education and has codified this ambition in the following commitment: by 2025, BIC will improve learning conditions for 250 million children globally.

BIC Corporate Foundation

The BIC Corporate Foundation was born out of the Group’s desire to go one step further in the support of education while bolstering the sense of pride and belonging of BIC team members.

The Foundation’s mission is: “We drive access to high quality education programs for all. With a focus on building creative skills, our programs directly enable and empower our participants to build stronger, more inclusive, more creative communities, while inspiring and equipping our children and young adults to make their mark on our world”. 

The Foundation’s actions target children and youth from underserved communities.

Learn more about BIC Corporate Foundation

Philantrophic actions

The philanthropic actions of BIC and its subsidiaries take three forms:

  • donation of products;
  • monetary gifts;
  • and/or volunteer work/skills sponsorship.

BIC and its subsidiaries favor projects that benefit local populations around its facilities.

In 2021:

  • 1 million euros in donations and financial aid worldwide.
  • 82 philanthropic projects involving volunteer work, product donations and financial aid carried out worldwide.

ESG Sharebuyback program

As part of its commitment to improving children’s learning conditions globally, in late 2020, BIC launched an innovative 40 million euros ESG Impact Share Buyback program. Executed by Exane BNP Paribas and carried out during 2021, the outperformance over the program’s execution is allocated in part to the BIC Corporate Foundation and in part to the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab’s (J-PAL) tutoring and parental programs in Europe and the U.S.

The funding support from BIC will help produce rigorous and scalable insights into effective education programming and policies to improve learning outcomes, particularly for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.