Management systems of factories 2021 2022 2023
Annual energy consumption (Gigajoules) 1,097,484 1,136,505 1,081,299
Writing the Future, Together #2 Share of renewable electricity 79.00% 76.00% 91%
Annual energy consumption normalized to production (Gigajoules per ton) 11.96 11.39
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions      
Total amount of annual GHG emissions (location-based (TeqCO2) 92,215   81,745 81,849
Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1) (location-based (TeqCO2) 16,984 15,812 14,483
Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2) (location-based (TeqCO2) 75,231 65,932 67,366
Total amount of annual GHG emissions GES (market-based) (TeqCO2) 43,922 47,682 23,495
Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2) market-based (TeqCO2) 26,938 31,870 9,012
Total ratio of annual GHG emissions to production (Scope 1 & 2) (TeqCO2/ton) 1.01 0.82 0.82
GHG emissions related to purchased goods and services ( Scope 3) 400,678 400,301 377,490
GHG emissions related to intra-company transport ( scope 3) 51,809 41,593 23,433
GHG emissions related to other Scope 3 categories ( Travel and commute, waste,energy-related,asset, end-of-life,direct use phase emissions of sold product) 323,339 348,744 336,572
Waste production      
Annual waste production (Tons) 19,487 20,713 19,790
Non-hazardous waste (Tons) 16,548 17,880 16,882
Hazardous waste (Tons) 2,939 2,833 2,908
Ratio of annual production of waste to production (Tons/tons) 0.212 0.208 0.198
Recycled waste 65.40% 65.70% 65.60%
Recovered waste (recycled or incinerated with energy recovery) 82% 82.20% 82.70%
Writing the Future, Together #1 Share of recycled or alternative materials in BIC® products 4.00% 5.70% 8.00%
Number of products certified with the French NF Environnement ecolabel 16 16 16
Number of products whose environmental and/or societal scores improved compared to their baseline. 12 3 7
BIC cardboard packaging from a certified and/or recycled source 97.40% 97.70% 99.10%
BIC plastic packaging PVC free 95.60% 96.2% 98.0%
Writing the Future, Together #1 Reusable, recyclable or compostable plastic in consumer packaging (b) (c) 59.6 70.0 81
Writing the Future, Together #1 Recycled content of plastic packaging (b) 52.1 54.7 62.1


Group workforce 2021 2022 2023
Total workforce (Number of employees (a))  14,113 15,898 14,643
Permanent employees  10,464 10,580 10,322
Fixed-term contracts   716 781 1,255
Temporary workers (FTE)  2,935 4,441 3,059
Interns & Apprenticeships (b)    - 96 106
Voluntary turnover (%)   16% 12% 13%
Permanent workforce by region (%)      
Europe   38.4% 39.4% 41.6%
North America   7.0% 7.4% 9.3%
Latin America  22.0% 22.4% 23.6%
Middle East & Africa  6.9% 8.1% 8.7%
India  24.9% 21.7% 16.0%
Asia-Pacific  0.88% 1.0% 1.0%
Training, career management and engagement      
Percentage of employees that have received training  71% 63% 65%
Diversity (c)      
Percentage of women in management and workforce (%)  44% 43% 44%
Board of Directors  50% 50% 50%
Executive Committee  30% 36% 40%
Level 4 and above (Executives & ExCom)  29% 32% 33%
Writing the Future, Together #3 Lost-time injuries   50 60 36
Sites without lost-time injuries   39 54 53
Incidence rate of workers’ accidents – BIC permanent and fixed-term employees (accidents with temporary or permanent incapacity)(Number/million hours worked)   2.17 2.60 1.51
Severity rate of workers’ accidents – BIC permanent and fixed-term employees (days of temporary incapacity) (Number/thousand hours worked)  0.09 0.10 0.08
Absenteeism rate (excluding on-site accidents and maternity) (%)  1.1 1.52 1.2

(a) A minor adjustment of + 3 has been noted on the FY2021 headcount data (-7 permanent and +10 Fixed Term Contracts).
(b) Prior to 2022, Interns and Apprentices were reported within Fixed term Contract data.

(c) BIC permanent employees.


Supplier relationships 2021 2022 2023
Writing the Future, Together #4 Percentage of strategic suppliers integrated in the responsible purchasing program  52.3% 65.5% 83.0%
Respect for Human Rights in the workplace      
BIC permanent employees working in countries with no Human Rights risk (a)  58% 57% 51%
BIC factories located in countries with no Human Rights risk   65% 60% 65%
Improving lives through education      
Writing the Future, Together #5 Children with improved learning conditions (cumulative)  158 187 199