BIC strongly believes that in order to succeed as a business, the Company must uphold the strongest standards and principles at all times – acting responsibly, with the planet, society and future generations in mind. Over the years, BIC has formalized its values and ethical business practices.

Integrity, Responsibility, Teamwork, Simplicity, Sustainability and lngenuity guide BIC’s actions, with the goal of building and maintaining relationships with all stakeholders – team members, customers, suppliers, Shareholders and regulators – in a way that fosters a culture of business integrity and ensures the highest standards of conduct globally. To support this ambition, the Group’s operation and subcontracting activities rely on the following Group policies:


Supplier Code of Conduct


Anti-Corruption Policy

Speak Up!

Our values govern our actions, and it is up to each one of us to uphold the principles of our Code of Conduct. We encourage our employees or any third parties to report any known or suspected breaches of our Code of Conduct, our Ethics & Compliance policies or applicable laws. Reports can be made through various means, including our Speak Up Line, where you can choose to remain anonymous. BIC Speak Up Line is an online confidential platform, operated by an independent third-party, available here (button link below) Your voice matters! BIC prohibits any retaliation against anyone who has made a report in good faith.
Note : BIC Speak Up Line should not be used for product or payment queries. Please see the relevant contact us page for these types of queries. Contact page